required: About 50 minutes of class time.
Summary: Does being fashionable really need to be so expensive and bothersome? According
to Thorstein Veblen, an economist who wrote The Theory of the Leisure Class over a century ago, the answer is yes. Veblen argues that the main point of being fashionable
is to gain status by appearing rich and powerful. This activity asks students to bring in photos of fashionable items
and discuss whether these items exhibit conspicuous consumption.
A. As homework, have students bring in pictures of some of the things they would buy if they wanted to be in fashion.
Have them share their pictures with their classmates.
B. Ask them to read the following article below The Economics of Fashion and complete the questions that follow.
Reading: The Economics of Fashion
school students Darla and Scott are out on a date, driving to a restaurant in Scott's gleaming black muscle car. He's
wearing an oversized designer sports coat over a silk shirt. She's dressed in silk and suede, with
her hair in a spiral curl and her acrylic nails painted with French tips.
both very fashionable, but it costs them plenty. Darla works at a fast food restaurant after school,
and spends most of the $400 she earns each month on her hair, nails, clothes, and jewelry. Scott works
as a bagger at a supermarket; most of his income goes towards car payments.
they arrive at the restaurant, it starts to rain. Scott frets about his car—he’ll need
to wipe off the water marks tomorrow and maybe wax it again. Darla worries about her outfit—silk
and suede blotch in the rain and will need to be dry-cleaned later. She considers taking off her suede
pumps before dashing through the rain to the restaurant, but decides against it. Running just a few
yards on the asphalt would ruin her hosiery.
being fashionable really need to be so expensive and bothersome? According to Thorstein Veblen, an economist
who wrote The Theory of the Leisure Class over a century ago, the answer is yes. Veblen
argues that the main point of being fashionable is to gain status by appearing rich and powerful. One
way to display wealth and power is through "conspicuous consumption"—extravagant purchases of clothes, expensive cars,
and other status symbols. Another way is through "conspicuous leisure," or time-consuming activities
that suggest an indifference to such mundane concerns as working for a living.
Veblen's day, affluent women sometimes crippled themselves in order to put on a convincing display of idleness. Many
women wore tight corsets around their waists that damaged their internal organs and made the women, as he put it, "permanently
and obviously unfit for work." In China, girls in wealthy families would have their feet broken and
tightly bound so that they grew to have tiny "lotus" feet. These were thought to be very fashionable
since the women who had them were unable to survive without the help of servants.
most women today stop short of these extremes, many endure great inconveniences to give the impression that they do nothing
useful. Darla's long fingernails don't make work impossible, just impractical enough to clash with
the image of someone who works hard all day. Her elaborate hair style and make-up also suggest that
she has a lot of time on her hands. She doesn't, of course. With her schoolwork
and part-time job, she must sacrifice sleep to primp herself each day.
females are commonly thought to be more fashion-conscious, males are susceptible too. Many high school
boys splurge on expensive athletic shoes, and then keep them immaculately clean, as if to suggest that they're wealthy enough
to replace the shoes after they've been worn a few times. Others, like Scott, lavish time and money
on their cars.
social status is relative—someone can get ahead in the rankings only if someone else falls behind. As
wealthy people race to stay ahead of wannabe's like Scott and Darla, fashions change. Long skirts
give way to short, wide ties to narrow. Baggy jeans, so fashionable last year, are now being pushed
to the back of closets to make way for the latest fad—distressed bootleg pants. Not just old, worn-out jeans,
mind you, but $75 jeans aged to a fashion designer's specifications.
goal of every economy is growth—to produce ever more goods. But if we use these goods mostly
to compete with each other for status, will having more make us happier? There's no way to be sure,
but ask yourself this. If you were to double the number of eggs at an egg hunt, would it make the
children happier? You might say yes--most of the children would end up with more eggs in their baskets. But
you also might answer no. Even after doubling the eggs, the kids who end up with less in their baskets
may still feel like losers. So it is with the economy; if it's our relative standing that matters,
we may never see an end to poverty.
Do any of the items on your list demonstrate conspicuous consumption?
Do you engage in any activities that display conspicuous leisure? Explain.
3. Name
some things that have gone out of fashion in the past few years. Why do you suppose they've gone out of fashion?
4. Some
schools require students to wear uniforms. What are some of the advantages of that policy? Disadvantages?
C. Have students click on the Stossel In the Classroom segment:
"Designer Clothes for Kids". Watch the video clip and respond the the questions on the Stossel site below the clip.